

布达佩斯 Attractions

The lovely city of Budapest is located in the heart of Europe. This capital city of Hungary is the pearl of Danube culture and scenery, and has captured the interest of many visitors throughout the years. The city is often referred to as the “Capital of Festivals” and the “Capital of Spas and Thermal Baths”. The specials featured on Expedia allow you to make reservations for Budapest excursions at affordable prices.

One of the top places you must see in Budapest is the Chain Bridge. This beautiful bridge spans across the River Danube and links the Buda and Pest sections of the city. Some of the most remarkable locations in the city are visible from this bridge. You can also take Budapest tours along the river to see some of the most spectacular views of the bridge.

Heroes’ Square is one of the main gathering spots in the city and is also one of the top tourist attractions in Budapest. Magnificent statues of warriors and notable figures in Hungarian history can be seen in many parts of the square. You can also find the Kunsthalle art museum and the Museum of Fine Arts at this location.

A detailed map of the city will help you locate some of the best spas and thermal baths in the city. The Rudas Baths have been in existence since the 16th century and still draw large numbers of visitors each year. You can also check out the Lukács and Széchenyi baths.

If you are in the mood to celebrate, head to one of the local festivals held throughout the year. Notable annual festivals hosted by the city include the Budapest Summer Festival, Septemberfest, and the Budapest Christmas Market.

There is no shortage of fun things to do in Budapest. When you book your hotel stay, airline tickets, and transportation through Expedia, you can take advantage of amazing deals. The money you save will enable you to enjoy all of the wonderful Budapest activities to the fullest.






What to do in Budapest on a sunny day?
What to do in Budapest on a rainy day?
There’s no need to splish, splash and splosh your way through a damp day when there are loads of fun indoor activities to try:

What should I not miss in Budapest?
Don’t return home without checking off the following inspiring attractions:

  • Parliament Building
  • Gellert Thermal Baths and Swimming Pool
  • Szechenyi Chain Bridge
  • Buda Castle

Are there cheap things to do in Budapest?
What can you do in Budapest for free?
You could put your wallet in the hotel safe for the day, because these cool attractions will cost you nothing:

  • St. Stephen’s Basilica
  • Heroes’ Square
  • Arena Plaza Shopping Mall
  • Vaci Street





费伦茨·戴阿克广场和Budapest Christmas Market是布达佩斯市中心少有的顶级景点。您可以前往戴阿克费伦茨广场站或德阿克费伦茨广场M电车站搭乘地铁游览城市,逛逛该地区的宏伟的大教堂、迷人的咖啡馆和人气商店。



4/5(4 条地区点评)

布达佩斯市中心因为人气商店而远近闻名。您或许还想参观一些顶级景点,如瓦希大街和自由桥。您还可以前往方济各广场站或Március 15. tér电车站搭乘地铁,探索布达佩斯的更多精彩。


布达佩斯第五区(内城 - 利奥波德城)

布达佩斯第五区(内城 - 利奥波德城)因其极佳的酒吧和壮观的河景而远近闻名,这里有很多值得探索的景点。您可以参观一些顶级景点,如圣史蒂芬大教堂和多瑙河宫,您还可前往戴阿克费伦茨广场站或弗洛斯马提广场站搭乘地铁,探索城市的更多精彩。

布达佩斯第五区(内城 - 利奥波德城)
Default Image


厄采贝特法罗斯因为奢华 SPA而远近闻名。您或许还想参观一些顶级景点,如基拉利街和卡岑兹大街东正教教堂。您还可以前往韦瑟廉尼街 - 伊丽莎白大道电车站或基拉利街 / 伊丽莎白大道电车站搭乘地铁,探索布达佩斯的更多精彩。


Lipotvaros (利波特瓦洛斯)

Lipotvaros (利波特瓦洛斯)因其壮观的河景和人气商店而远近闻名,这里有很多值得探索的景点。您可以参观一些顶级景点,如伊斯特凡·塞切尼广场和圣史蒂芬大教堂,您还可前往Széchenyi István广场电车站或科苏特广场站搭乘地铁,探索城市的更多精彩。

Lipotvaros (利波特瓦洛斯)


如果您正在第六区旅游,您可以逛逛恐怖之屋或Andrássy Út等景点;也可以前往弗洛斯马提街站或奥克托冈M电车站搭乘地铁出行,探索城市的更多精彩。

